A New Activity

We’re always looking for new activities. The more active the better. Today we found a new place called Rebounderz. Two giant trampoline arenas, video games. What more could you want?

First, they got instructions and the rules.


Then they got to jumping. For an hour non-stop. I have never seen them so sweaty.

After a while of practice, maybe they can be as good as this guy.

This is what Thing 3 looked like at the end.



Another year, another Halloween. This was the first year we all went trick or treating together, at least for a little bit. Usually, SuburbanDaddy stays home with a baby and hands out candy.

We started early, before it was even close to dark, because there is just too much excitement to keep everyone inside. After a short time, Thing 4 returned to the house with SuburbanMommy to give out candy and I took the boys around the neighborhood. Here are some videos of the before, and a very tired Thing 3 after. My favorite part is the skipping Superman. We talked about the rules beforehand, and how we walk between houses, not run. Apparently, skipping doesn’t count as running.

Weekends In The Fall

Fall just may be the best season. There is so much to do on the weekends, especially when the weather is nice, and we take advantage.

Last weekend was apple picking with SuburbanAunt and SuburbanUncle and the SuburbanCousins. We only ended up taking home 10 apples that met our strict standards, but Thing 3 enjoyed the testing process.


This weekend Thing 3 played his third soccer game. And when I say played, I actually mean played this time. In the video, Thing 3 is the one wearing gray shorts and intentionally kicking the ball out of bounds. Why would he do that? Who knows.

Next was a small carnival that was in town. All three boys loved the bungee trampoline. I was actually surprised they all tried it. Thing 2 summed up the experience best with this short video.

On Sunday, we made our annual trip to Pumpkinville. Hay slides, tractor rides, moon bounces, a hay maze, pumpkin painting, petting zoo, and more.

Thing 3 chased a chicken. Poor chicken.

Thing 1 and Thing 2 climbed to the top of a hay pile.


And then they entered Fort Pumpkin.


Thing 4 is still too little for climbing with her brothers, but she loves the ring-tailed lemurs.


The Understudy

It’s a rite of passage. The Kindergarten play. This time, it was Thing 2’s turn. The production this year was the Three Little Pigs as an opera.

Kindergarten Play

Thing 2 didn’t want to do any solo parts, so he chose to be one of the pigs in the background chorus. He performed well, but as you can see in this video, he looked like he was longing for more as he watches his friend The Wolf perform the starring role.

The kindergarten class does a repeat performance the next day, this time for the other kids in the pre-school with no parents there. I guess Thing 2 felt more comfortable because we received a call 45 minutes before showtime from the school, to let us know that the kid who played The Wolf didn’t come to school that day, and Thing 2 would be taking his place!

Well, of course we raced to the school to see it in person. If I hadn’t seen it with my own eyes, I never would have believed it. This was one of those proud parenting moments you don’t forget. And luckily I also had the video camera handy.

He entered in The Wolf costume, looking a little nervous but excited. He waited patiently for his time to come then he did his stuff. Finally, he takes a bow and walks off the stage with his leading ladies on his way to super stardom. Watch out Brad Pitt, here comes Thing 2.

There Is A Resemblance

As her personality emerges, we’ve noticed a lot of similarities between Thing 4 and Thing 2. Both are easygoing babies who thrive on being around people. They are happy, smiley, and entertain themselves with their own voice. Thing 2 is still like this but when you compare these videos of a recent Thing 4 and Thing 2 when he was about the same age, the similarities are clear.

Here’s a recent video of Thing 4 in her high chair.

Compare with a video of Thing 2 in the same high chair four years ago.