A New One For Me

After four kids I thought I had seen everything disgusting that was possible involving poop.? There are the incidents I’ve posted about before involving the swimming pool, at the McDonald’s play place, in the washing machine, and at the zoo.? And now I can add another – the bathtub.

We did the usual triple bath last night – all three boys in the tub at the same time.? It can get crazy and cause a mess, but it’s the quickest way to get baths over with.? Thing 3 likes to has to stay in the tub until all the water is out.? Even then it’s a fight to get him to come out.? This kid loves water.

He was sitting in the tub, with no water, when I was helping Thing 2 brush his hair.? When I looked back at the tub, whoomp! there it was.?? I had my iPhone handy to snap a photo for this post but I thought I’d spare you all and leave something to the imagination.? Since he isn’t potty trained I tried to turn it into a teachable moment.? “Poop goes in the potty. “? He wasn’t very impressed.? I fear we’re in for more of these adventures as he goes through potty training.?? Does anyone know a potty training “expert” I can call?

Poor Buzz

I’ve posted before about Thing 3’s obsession with Toy Story. We are a movie merchandisers dream. Thing 3 used to be inseparable from his Buzz Lightyear. But lately, their relationship has changed.

Thing 3 is now more interested in dropping him on the floor over and over to see what happens. We know what happens, which you can see in these photos. Buzz breaks. He’s missing both arms, his wings, an the retractable helmet.

In Toy Story the movie, there is a kid named Sid who mutilates and destroys toys for fun. Thing 3 seems to be recreating that character.

Outsmarting A Two Year Old

In this picture, I just finished cleaning up. Some people may think otherwise. SuburbanMommy, for example.

But as is often the case when dealing with a two year old, there is a method to my madness. It’s part of an intricate system to outsmart and keep toys out of the path of mass destruction that is Thing 3.

He has a pattern of dumping toys, emptying bookshelves, and disturbing any sense of order in a clean room. So, I purposely dumped over the box, letting some of the blocks spill out. He’ll see it, and pass right by, content, thinking his work is already done here.

Wait a minute. His goal is a messy room. And here I am messing it up for him. Who is doing the outsmarting here?

Don’t Assume Anything

When it comes to Thing 3 it’s best not to assume anything. Don’t assume all is well in the next room just because it is quiet. Don’t assume he won’t run away from you at the mall.

And, apparently, I shouldn’t assume the shoes I put on him in the morning are the same ones he’ll be wearing when I pick him up at preschool.

Notice anything wrong with these shoes? I didn’t. Until we got home.

You might see that one is newer and cleaner. You might also notice, upon closer inspection, that one is 1 1/2 sizes bigger than the other. And, if you are really sharp (I’m not) you’ll see they are BOTH right footed.

That’s exactly what I learned only after we got home. I’m just glad to know the other parent did the same thing.

Parent Abuse

I am regularly abused by Thing 3. He likes to randomly jump on me, bop me on the head, and generally use me as his personal jungle gym. Lately, he has become very bossy with his newly emerging ability to talk.

“Daddy, sit”, “Daddy read book”, and my personal favorite “On Daddy head” which means put this on your head.

I suppose I bring this on myself because I put things on my head to entertain him.

This hard to see, grainy image is not a captured terrorist. It is me being held captive by a 2 year old so he can jump on, climb on, and torture me by hitting my head with books, toys, and various stuffed animals. And I love every minute of it.

How A Two Year Old Can Get You Fired

Two year olds can get into a lot of trouble. Thing 3 certainly gets into his share. Breaking, climbing, running off, throwing, hitting, screaming are all part of the daily program. But now I’ve seen how this trouble can cross over into a parent’s work life.

This week Thing 3 found my work Blackberry. Normally, it password locks the screen after a few minutes of inactivity, but he got it too fast. Still, I didn’t think there was too much trouble he could cause.
Continue reading How A Two Year Old Can Get You Fired