Football Tradition

Continuing our yearly tradition, we went to a preseason NFL game for the third year in a row. This year we went back to the Redskins’ FedEx Field, despite my declarations that I’d never return.

Suburban Uncle gave Thing 2 tickets for his birthday. With all the hoopla around here for Robert Griffin III (RG3), it was a big event.

We also kept the streak alive: Three games where it rained.


Beach Vacation Summer 2012

We are back from this year’s beach vacation to the Outer Banks of North Carolina. It was fun and exhausting, with some record setting temperatures again this year, but at least we avoided the major storms and power outages back home in Virginia. We did not avoid Thing 1 getting car sick 30 minutes into the ride back home, and throwing up in the back seat of the minivan.? Here is our trip in pictures.

We took a cruise on a real pirate ship. ?Thing 3 wanted the mustache but then complained it was itching so he smeared it all over his face.


Some more scary pirates


I never knew pirates did the limbo.? Thing 4 had the advantage of being able to walk underneath the limbo bar without even bending.


One of the ocean side pools we enjoyed.? This was also the view I had as I cannonballed into the water during the 4th of July Big Daddy Splash Contest.? I did not win.? Not even close.


A colorful sunset.? The picture doesn’t do it justice.


A vacation tradition.? Donuts for breakfast every day.


Another tradition.? Ice cream every day.? In this case, frozen yogurt.? Despite using 2 spoons, Thing 4 still had difficulty getting it in her mouth.


Dressed up for Fourth of July.


Thing 3 is ready for the beach.? He is the most fearless of the 4 in the ocean.? The bigger the wave, the harder the head first crash into the sand, the more he comes up laughing.


Suburban Uncle joined us for a few days.? Don’t expect to sleep late on a vacation with the 4 Things.? You may be subjected to this very early in the morning.


But sleep will happen eventually.? This is what happens at 7:30pm when a 2 year old spends the day at the beach.


On the way home, waiting for the popcorn store to open.


What I’ll Do For 15 Minutes Of Quiet

I’m home alone with Things 1, 3, and 4. SuburbanMommy took Thing 2 to his flag football game. It’s Saturday morning, the first 80 degree Saturday since last year, and the Things are very restless. Translation: I need 15 minutes of quiet.

Enter the water table. We use it all the time in the summer. It keeps their attention for a long time. But it has been sitting outside all winter and is filthy.

The dilemma: Do I let them play with the water table, which means I need to spend a lot of time cleaning while they are trying to “help”, making the cleaning process take twice as long, and I will need to change all their clothes again when they get each other soaking wet and the session ends in a fight-meltdown because water table always ends in a water fight?

Here is the answer.
