Sixty Three Hours

While many in the working world are dreading this rainy, dreary, traffic-filled Monday morning, I am not. Oh, it’s certainly not because of what I will be doing today. I look forward to my job about as much as, well, since many of my co-workers and boss read this, I’ll just say there are worse things I could be doing all day for money.

No, what makes me so happy on Monday morning is what I won’t be doing today. After spending the last 63 hours without a minute of peace or time to myself (also known as the weekend), it’s nice to think about sitting at my desk for hours without any crying, whining, screaming, fighting, cleaning, or interruptions. That is, until Friday, when I will have had enough of the “calm” that is my job and look forward to another 63 hours away from it.

It’s an endless cycle.

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