Passing On What’s Important

Parents try hard to pass on to their kids what they feel is important. They want their kids to grow up to be well rounded, functioning members of society. And they want them to have a bit of culture and style.

With three brothers ahead of Thing 4, SuburbanMommy wasted no time instilling important life teachings to her daughter. At just one year old, Thing 4 already has a genuine love for shoes. We often find her in the closet going through the shoes, walking around with them, and sometimes, putting them in her mouth (she’s one year old).

And now, she has also become very fond of Coach handbags. Much to the delight of SuburbanMommy who has never met a Coach anything she doesn’t like and has the closet to prove it.

And never wanting to be upstaged by his sister, Thing 3 is also partial to Coach bags.

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