Careful What You Wish For

I encourage my kids to ask questions. I make a point to stop what I’m doing to give them explanations they can understand.

“Where does snow come from”, “How do airplanes fly?”, “How does Santa go to every house in one night”, “How many points do you get for a touchdown”.

These are very important questions that I’m happy to answer. I enjoy the challenge of coming up with an answer they can understand.

Then there are questions you don’t want to hear.

We were driving home from school one day. All 3 Things were in their seats, watching the TV, quiet and tired from their day. Thing 2 broke the silence, out of the blue, and asked a question.

“What’s a pussy?”

Umm. Gulp. My mind was racing for an answer. I stalled. “What did you say?”

As innocent as can be, “Pussy. What is a pussy?”

Then, I realized what they were watching on the TV. Sylvester and Tweety Bird. Sylvester is a cat. A PUSSYcat.

Whew. Dodged that one.

2 thoughts on “Careful What You Wish For”

  1. Hey – since it’s delurking day – thought I’d delurk. I’m pretty sure we went to high school together and somehow came across your blog awhile ago. I don’t think we live to far apart either…..
    And – LOVE your blog!!

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