5 thoughts on “I Didn’t Teach This”

  1. I always wonder if it is better to point out what they are doing (and to discourage it) or ignore it until it goes away….We have had the cut on the middle finger too!

  2. I always ignore it. Pointing it out is a sure way to get them to keep doing it. Of course, by ignoring I’m probably just delaying and making it worse later.

  3. hahaha. I’m sorry I literally just burst out in laughter at my store! It’s moments like this that make you love being a parent even more! I mean it happends. We can’t just over analyze every move they make! We correct and move on. This is Parenthood: Uncovered!

  4. NO WAY!!! How on earth did I miss this post???? I was just surfing the web and decided to Google ‘Aunt Crazy’, and this picture appeared before me!

    I promise promise PROMISE I didn’t teach him this, but boy do I respect how he’s mastered the pose … that’s not easy!


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