Breaking The Silence

Preschoolers are in a constant state of perpetual motion. Put two preschoolers in a confined location, like the back seat of a car, and the inability to move results in all that energy going to the only place they can still move – their mouths.

For me a ride in the car means non-stop chatter between Thing 1 and Thing2.?? What do they talk about?? There is a lot of taunting – I’m older/faster/stronger/scarier/sillier than you. Then there is the grabbing/hitting/touching.? Usually followed by a good amount of whining.

About the only urge that can overcome their urge to talk in the car, is their urge to compete with each other about anything and everything.? Usually the competitive thing causes problems, as they fight compete over everything from going up the stairs first to walking in front of each other.? But in the car a little competition can actually help.

Remember the old Whoever Talks First, Loses game?? I introduced it this weekend and it actually worked for a few minutes.? Both were trying to stay quiet.? I could see it was killing them.? Then Thing 1 broke the silence to declare he was winning because he hadn’t talked yet.? Which of course prompted Thing 2 to declare he won.? Which then started another argument about the rules, and whether coughing or sneezing counted.

It was nice for a few minutes.

7 thoughts on “Breaking The Silence”

  1. to make it more successful for the adults? Make sure they kids know that the driver will make the ultimate determination who loses/talks first AND the winner gets a token prize (candy bar works well, according to my daughter). We actually had a discussion about this very game yesterday. Her godmother used to play the game (in Wal-mart, no less) with a group of 4-year-old girls. It actually worked there, too.

  2. Haha – aw, man, if your family is anything like mine, it will only get worse from here.

    My sister and I used to find a vinyl-roping in the division of the back seat and each declare a side… then we’d spend the rest of the trip fighting over the AIR above the vinyl-roping. Usually I would “poke” the air above it with my finger just to make her mad.

    Good times.

  3. This constant state of preschool motion is exactly why eating at restaurants have become a huge challenge. I can’t wait to get past this stage.

  4. Que fantásticos ^_^Eu acho que li uma vez de relance sobre essas gracinhas. Que post lindo, Jess! Eu adoro esse nome: 'lusco fusco' ou 'fusque fusue'. Eu até tinha um blog com esse nome aehuha.Poxa, que bacana!!!!Adorei a ideia e proposta da marca!!Qualidade super dez tbm! E tem uma cara de cruelty free, né?! aushush Provavelmente eh!Amei tudo! Todas as cores! bjinhoo

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