Brutal Honesty

If you want an honest answer, ask a kid.? You will always get the brutal truth.? Often without asking for it.

This conversation took place when I picked the kids up at preschool.? I had just gotten my hair cut.

Thing 2: Why did you get your hair cut?

SuburbanDaddy: Because it was getting too long

Thing 2: Why do you have so much gray hair?

When my hair is short, apparently the gray is more prominent.? I think we all know the 3 sources of my rapidly graying hair.

Then we went to Thing 1’s classroom.? He immediately started to laugh.

SuburbanDaddy: Why are you laughing?

Thing 1: You look like a chicken!

Next time I’ll have to consult with them before getting my hair cut.? You’ve got to love their honesty.

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