How Did The Dinosaurs Die?

We go to dinosaur museums, and read books about dinosaurs all the time.? The kids know all about dinosaur bones and fossils.

Last night, after reading a dinosaur book with SuburbanMommy before bed, Thing 1 asked her “How did the dinosaurs die?”.? SuburbanMommy’s response: “Ask Daddy”.

It’s not a question I’ve thought about. At least not in a very long time.? Maybe I should have paid more attention when we visited the Natural History Museum.

My immediate answer was that a meteor crashed into the earth, causing so much smoke and ash, that the sun was blocked and the Ice Age ensued.? SuburbanMommy thought I was making it up.? Who knows where I got it from.? I probably got the idea from a movie.? Or an episode of Backyardigans.

Some Google searching this morning made me feel a little better, or not, about my answer.? I found some support for my meteor killing the dinosaurs theory.? But I also found several other explanations – disease, volcano, or climate change.

Last night’s question about dinosaurs has made me think of some questions of my own.? If a not even 5 year old can stump his parents, what’s going to happen when he gets a little older?? Forget about not being smarter than a 5th grader.? I’m not sure I am smarter than a 5 year old.

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