Parenting Mystery Solved

The parenting mystery is solved.? There were several partial correct answers, but monoceros came closest.? The garbage can wasn’t a difficult one to guess.? It’s an obivous object of interest to little kids.

The key in my situation is that Thing 3 has just learned to walk, so objects that used to be out of his reach, like the top of a garbage can, are now within his grasp.? He likes to open and close the cover.? Stick his hands in.? Take garbage out.? And, as I caught him in the act in this picture, he likes to put non-trash items into the garbage, so we search for hours for missing toys and cups.

The picnic table mystery was a little more difficult to guess, as there could be many more explanations.? Ed (zoesdad), JLow, and Kim had some creative answers.? Again, the key here is that Thing 3 is a new walker, which also means he is exploring everything and climbing.

Toddlers are like rats in an experiment that get a shock everytime they take a reward, but keep doing it anyway.? Thing 3 climbs to the top of the table, looking right at me and laughing his devilish laugh.? Then he falls off, cries, and once he calms down, he’s right back on the table.? Thus, my table on top of the table solution.

4 thoughts on “Parenting Mystery Solved”

  1. We are going through the same thing with Suzi who is almost 14 months. There is no such table at our house, but Suzi climbs into chairs and wobbles on the edge, scaring us to death because we think she’s going to fall on her head and break her neck. Sometimes she’ll even stand up in chairs or on the couch. The bonus is that she’s also learning to climb out safely–but sometimes she fails to put that into practice.

  2. My 2 yr. old son does the same things! On Easter morning, my husband swore up and down that he bought me a peanut butter egg (my fav.)and that he hid it in a certain spot for me to find. When I couldn’t find it, he looked and it was gone. The whole house was looking for this thing for about an hour when my mother-in-law discovered it in the garbage! We are thinking of turning our garbage can around so the opening faces the wall. Not sure if it will work.

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