What I Don’t Need

Alarm Clock In my youth, which means before I had kids, I had trouble getting up in the morning. I had to be very careful to set my alarm, or else I would sleep through whatever it was I had to do. Ahhh, youth.

I haven’t set an alarm clock in four and a half years. Surprise surprise, that’s exactly Thing 1’s age.

It is impossible for me to oversleep for anything now. Most days, Thing 3 is my alarm clock. We can’t set the exact time he goes off, but he is sure to be standing in his crib and doing his cock-a-doodle-do (aka crying) sometime between 5-6:15am.

Just in case Thing 3’s wakeup call doesn’t work (not likely), I have backup Plan B – otherwise known as Thing 2. As soon as he wakes up Thing 2 will come into our room and climb into our bed.

So, what happens on those rare occasions, like when I travel for work, when there are no Things to wake me up? Do I go back to my oversleeping youth? Not to worry.

My natural clock has been “readjusted”, from so many years of waking up by 6am, that it is impossible to sleep any later. It’s quite a curse blessing, really. It doesn’t matter how late I go to sleep, I will be up at 6am. Just like the Things.

3 thoughts on “What I Don’t Need”

  1. I’d noticed this too with our daughter. We do still set the alarm though, because sometimes she’ll wake us up at 5:00 and then we’ll all go back to sleep. Then who knows how long she’ll sleep? Maybe until 7:15 and by that time we’re running late! I bet whenever we have another child we’ll be able to unplug the alarm clock though.

  2. My little guy stays up late and sleeps in. This means I get no sleep. Going to bed at 1 AM or after and getting up at 6AM has taken it’s tole on me. I need to set two or three alarm clocks just to get my attention. :D

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